The Journies to the Light​

The Journey to Islam is something unique to every convert with the same ending, finding the truth

Convert Stories

Once a person says Shahada, many things change. For some, it can feel like our whole world has turnedupside down and can cause some difficulty with a certain grief over the loss of old traditions. Some newMuslims may not feel

My Heart

Growing up, I was aware I didn’t know much about Islam, and the little I knew was based on what the media portrayed, but there were different incidents or memories I have of Allah placed on my journey that helped

Beauty shop dawah

My convert story starts in a hair salon. I’ve been a hairstylist for many years. Years ago, the salon I worked for hired a new stylist. When she started working with us, she installed a curtain that she could pull

Share your
Story with us

Understanding that all converts stories are important we wanted to provide a platform where convert voices could be heard. We sincerely thank each person who allowed us to share their story. We understand that this takes a great amount of vulnerability and effort to do so. You are not only an inspiration to us all but a vital part of the Muslim ummah. Jazak Allah Khairan.

By sharing the story of your Journey, you help inspire and comfort your fellow brothers and sister, Helping them know they are part of the community that is here to help and support them.

Each story will be reviewed and authorized by an admin.

New to the Deen runs with the help of your support, Donate to support the program and help your fellow muslim brothers and sisters